Student organizations

Student organizations that address issues related to sustainability, sustainable development and the environment


Students’ Organization for Nature – OSpN


The Students’ Organization for Nature was established on March 27, 2007, within the Faculty of Biology and Geology of Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, as a result of the students’ need to take a stand on the major problem of the century: environmental pollution. From the moment of its establishment until now, the organization has carried out specific projects and activities, such as: SciFest Cluj-Napoca, a science popularization festival; the International Symposium Young Researchers in BioSciences; EcoDays, a project dedicated to informing citizens about the issues of environment and how to fix them; NightCademy; Tuesday Science Circles, etc. Currently, OSpN has approximately 110 active volunteers working in the organization’s 4 departments: Human Resources, Image, Projects and Scientific-Educational.


European Organization of Young Geographers – EGEA


EGEA Cluj-Napoca currently numbers 100 members, of which 70 are active in the Student Union of Romania. The main purpose of EGEA Cluj-Napoca is to represent the common interests of the students of the Faculty of Geography of UBB, Cluj-Napoca and to stimulate their involvement in various projects on geographical themes and more. Today, the EGEA Cluj-Napoca Association represents a point of interference between the students of the Faculty of Geography and all EGEA entities in Europe with the role of favouring the cultural exchange of experience.



EnviroStudents Association – ESA

Founded in September 2019, The EnviroStudents Association (ESA) is a non-governmental organization, established at Faculty level with the aim of representing the rights and interests of the students of the Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering. ESA volunteers participate in socialization, awareness and environmental protection activities.



Student Organization for Romanian Tourism – OST


The Student Organization for Romanian Tourism (OST) is a non-governmental and non-profit organization, which was founded in early 2007, through the ambition of the students of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Management, ECTS section (Economics of Trade, Tourism and Services). The aim of these students is that through this organization and the implemented projects they create an environment where their common passion, tourism, can be put into practice. The main purpose of establishing this organization was the desire to capitalize on tourism, a specific element to be discovered during adolescence. The members of OST, have in common the love for our country, its values, culture, landscapes and diversity. Relying on a united and assertive team, the organization’s mission is to carry out projects in the field of tourism, leaving behind a respected brand by doing something pleasant and useful at the same time.